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The Challenge

Create a premium coffee experience that could be delivered to over 1,000 employees seamlessly every day. When LinkedIn made the move to Dublin in 2010 for their EU Headquarters, it required a service that was faultless and kept their savvy workforce engaged at all times.

“Here at LinkedIn we have a very diverse team and they are very discerning about their coffee and tea. Luckily, we’ve had Java Republic on board from day 1. We partnered with them back in 2010 when we opened our Dublin offices and they are behind the brilliant coffee and tea options we offer. They train the staff for our cafe-style barista stations and keep the Micro Kitchens across our Dublin campus supplied and serviced. Keeping over 1000 people happy is a tall order, but Java Republic make it look easy”.

Eileen Slamon, Workplace Services Manager, LinkedIn

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Group of nurses and doctors

Get in touch with the coffee people

To see how Java Republic can help your business, let’s meet for a coffee and a chat. Send us your details and one of our coffee people will get back to you.